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Web-Based Remote Tool

Tems Security ensures court-admissible preparation of your data in “Legal Hold”

When substantial datasets are required as evidence in court, a “Legal Hold” is often employed. In this process, documents and electronically stored information relevant to legal disputes and an impending legal proceeding are immutably secured as evidence. This is aimed at preventing data from being deleted, manipulated, or altered retrospectively, ensuring that, in the event of legal proceedings, the data is available in the desired form. To effectively work with these datasets, an eDiscovery solution requires appropriate tools known as web-based remote tools.

Web-based remote tools allow the extraction of data from various file types, ranging from simple Word programs to Adobe applications or frameworks, without programmatic boundaries. These tools make data available to system users seamlessly and easily. Users can simultaneously edit, comment, label with keywords, annotate, or subject the data to a Transparent Predictive Coding process.

Visualizations depicting relationships among collaborators can also be easily generated. This aids the learning organization processing this data in identifying key documents that, on their own, reference other key documents, effectively linking relevant information and making it quickly accessible.

An essential note regarding Legal Hold: Employee consent is crucial for securing data stored on their device. In Austria, an employer cannot investigate an employee’s data solely based on suspicion. While a computer forensic expert can secure the data on suspicion, analysis is only permissible with the employee’s consent and signature.