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Mastering IT Security Logging: From Basics to Advanced Analytics with Elastic

Mastering IT Security Logging: From Basics to Advanced Analytics with Elastic
Sehr geehrte Freunde und Kollegen,
wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem nächsten Webinar einzuladen, welches am Dienstag, den 28. Februar 2024, um 09:00 Uhr stattfindet.




Thema: Mastering IT Security Logging: From Basics to Advanced Analytics with Elastic

Brief overview of the importance of IT security in the modern digital landscape.
The critical role of logging in monitoring, detecting, and responding to security incidents.
Introduction to the webinar speakers and their expertise in IT security and analytics.

Webinar Agenda

1. The Importance of IT Security Logging
Understanding the role of logging in IT security.
How logs help in compliance, forensics, and operational insights.
Case studies highlighting the impact of effective logging on security posture.

2. Types of Logs for Comprehensive Security Analysis
Windows Logs: Key insights and security information captured in Windows environments.
Active Directory Logs: Monitoring user activities and identifying potential security breaches.
Office 365 Logs: Keeping track of user actions and anomalies in cloud-based applications.
Firewall Logs: Analyzing entry and exit traffic for potential threats and unauthorized access.
EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) Logs: Detecting and responding to endpoint security incidents.

3. Log Correlation and Analysis: Making Sense of the Data
The importance of correlating logs from different sources for a holistic security view.
Techniques and tools for effective log analysis.
Real-world examples of log correlation uncovering hidden security threats.

4. Automatic Alerting with Elastic: Your Security Watchdog
Introduction to Elastic for log management and analysis.
How to set up automatic alerting in Elastic to detect anomalies in real-time.
Best practices for configuring alerts to minimize false positives and maximize detection accuracy.

5. Interactive Q&A Session
Open floor for attendees to ask questions and engage with the speakers.
Sharing additional resources for further learning.

Recap of the key takeaways from the webinar.
How attendees can start implementing what they’ve learned in their organizations.
Invitation to connect with the speakers for further discussions or consulting.

Secure your spot now to gain actionable insights into elevating your organization’s security posture through effective IT security logging and analysis.

Kind regards,
Philip Berger & Michael Meixner


Dienstag, 28. Februar 2024
09:00 – 10:00 MESZ